Saturday, September 6, 2008

Did You Know

Most of the information given during this video presentation didn't surprise me. I was told in the fifth grade, during the mid 1970's, that in my young adult years computers will run the world. What was shown during this video was something that I had anticipated for a very long time. As a matter of fact, I expected some of these advancements much sooner.
Although I appreciate all of the sophisticated technology, and the speed at which the information is delivered, I also realize that new age developments bring on new age problems. Confronting and solving new age problems require an entirely different way of thinking. The quote in the video by Albert Einstein was exactly right when it said "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." I feel that children born today have a different mindset then those born two decades ago. Fortunately, babies born today are mentally equipped to learn, to adapt to, and to advance the technology of today, just as babies born in previous decades accordingly mastered the technology of their day.

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